Yard Excellence Scheme

Are you a yard owner passionate about keeping the horses on your yard as happy and healthy as possible?

Joining the Yard Excellence Scheme

Are you a yard owner passionate about keeping the horses on your yard as happy and healthy as possible?

You are not alone! The Yard Excellence Scheme has been produced as part of the ‘Keeping Britain’s Horses Healthy’ initiative with collaboration between British Equine Veterinary Association and World Horse Welfare. This has involved sharing knowledge of the best practices in biosecurity and healthcare.

So what exactly is it?

The Yard Excellence Scheme helps yards and vets to collaborate, working to find tailored practical solutions, establishing best management practices and healthcare protocols, for even the busiest of yards. All to help keep resident horses happy and healthy.

The topics covered by the Yard Excellence Scheme are:

  • Vaccination
  • Worming
  • Weight management
  • Biosecurity
  • Yard management
  • What to do in the event of an infectious disease outbreak


Once you are an accredited member of the scheme, you can start to tell your existing, and potential new, horse owners of the great work you are doing to keep your resident horses happy and healthy. It is also of great benefit to horses and humans to have a plan already in place should an infectious disease outbreak unfortunately occur on the yard.

There are lots of great resources available to have around the yard too so if you would like some more information about the scheme or would like to take part then please speak to one of your routine yard vets or contact us!