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Just like in humans, osteoarthritis is a common condition in older cats, but one that is unfortunately often overlooked. Many symptoms are dismissed as simply ‘old age’. But whilst old age is inevitable, it isn’t a disease – it doesn’t cause pain or stiffness like arthritis does!

If you find yourself describing your cat as: ‘sleeping a lot now’, ‘not going out so much these days’, ‘grumpier than they used to be’, and ‘not as keen to cuddle’, have you considered that they may have arthritis?


As any cat owner will tell you, cats are unique, and this is true for the way they show pain too. Dogs tell you when they are in pain by limping, yelping, and making sure that you know about it! Cats stop playing, cats stop grooming, and generally retreat.

Although they don’t shout about it, if you look you will see what your cat is telling you. Consider these common ‘old age’ changes in cats, and how they might be related to underlying arthritis.

  • Not as playful anymore – It’s just too painful to bother.
  • Spending less time outside – Getting through the cat flap is quite uncomfortable and climbing that tree is unthinkable.
  • Matted fur along their backs – This may be because it’s too painful to contort around to groom now.
  • Stop sleeping on your bed – It’s too much of a stretch to jump up there now.
  • Sleeping all the time – It’s simple: arthritis hurts when the joints move. No moving = no pain.
  • Overgrown claws – Their beloved scratching post hurts to use now.
  • Becoming grumpy – Being picked up and cuddled up like they used to be is quite uncomfortable, so they avoid it.

There are physical signs of arthritic cats too (e.g. muscle loss, swollen joints, stiff movements), but most of the signs are behavioural changes.


Every joint in your body is covered in smooth slippery surface made of cartilage. Over time, as the joints are used and abused, this cartilage can be worn down to reveal the underlying bone – ouch!

The bone tries to repair itself, but the new bone produced only adds to the problem; bony protrusions start to cover the joint rather than the glossy smooth cartilage. A once shiny, lubricant joint surface turns into something more akin to the surface of the moon.


Arthritis is unfortunately a progressive disease that will get worse over time, as the joint damage can’t be reversed. However, there’s still lots you can do to make living with arthritis easier, and less painful for your cat.

Modifying the environment – even small adjustments around the home can make a big difference to their quality of life. Ensuring easy access to food and water (avoiding elevated surfaces), placing a step near windowsills to ease jumping, providing cosy beds, maintaining warmth (especially in colder weather when arthritis tends to worsen), and opting for litter trays with low sides all contribute to a more comfortable life.

Medication – it’s crucial to seek advice from your vet regarding the most suitable medications for your cat. Various options to manage feline arthritis are available from daily pain relief to monthly injections. Don’t ever be tempted to give any human medication to your cat – paracetamol is highly toxic to cats and just a small amount will be fatal.

Weight management – excess weight adds unnecessary strain on sore joints. Achieving and maintaining a healthy bodyweight can be challenging, particularly as cats become less active with age. Speak to us for tailored dietary advice.

Joint supplements – incorporating omega-3 oils and glucosamine supplements into the diet may offer some benefits. However, since this industry lacks regulation, it’s important to be cautious of false claims. Additionally, don’t anticipate immediate results, as supplements typically require weeks or even months to take effect.

Promoting movement – adhering to the “little and often” principle is advisable for exercising cats with arthritis. Prolonged periods of rest can lead to very stiff joints, so gently encouraging regular, low-impact movement is beneficial.


Cats can live a long time with arthritis, as long as their quality of life remains good. Recognising the signs and starting treatment early will keep them as comfortable as possible for as long as possible.

So, if you think your cat is getting old and lazy, consider that arthritis may be lurking, and speak to us!



As the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, it is important for us to consider how to keep our pets active and healthy. Read on to find out the best ways to keep your pets active and healthy, prepare for outdoor activities, and feed active animals.

After a long, cold and wet winter, with limited opportunities for outdoor adventures, it is important that you gradually increase your pet’s outdoor activity. This is to avoid injuries and to allow their bodies to adapt. Start off slow and steady. If your pet is not used to being exercised, they will need to start off with short walks and gradually increase the duration and intensity as they become more capable.


Play with your pets – to encourage your pet to be more active outside, you can play games with them. Frisbee and fetch are brilliant games to provide mental stimulation and improve your pet’s fitness by raising their heart rate and getting them moving. It is also a good way to bond with your pet.

Swimming – this is a perfect low- impact activity that can get your pet moving. Dogs especially loves swimming, and it is something that can be enjoyed by all ages and fitness levels. Ensure your pet is up to date with their vaccinations to protect them from diseases such as Leptospira. This is a potentially fatal infection that can be spread by rat urine. It can be found in water such as canals. Ensure your dog is not swimming in areas where there is blue-green algae as this is toxic to dogs.

Agility training – another brilliant way to keep your pet active and mentally stimulate them at the same time is agility training. This is a fun and challenging way to develop your pet’s co-ordination and fitness. If your pet has been well socialised, they may benefit from meeting other pets in the park. Here they can let off some steam and burn calories with another furry friend.


Take notice of the weather – as the weather starts getting warmer, it is very important to always have water available and offer it to your pet at regular intervals. Provide shade for your pet and let them rest as much as they need. Always take the necessary precautions in the heat.

Beware of parasites – always check your pet for parasites such as ticks and fleas after they have been exploring outside. We will advise you on suitable preventive parasites medicine for your pet depending on their lifestyle. Ticks can carry Lyme disease, which can affect humans, so it is in our best interest to ensure they are free from parasites.


It is so important to provide your pet with good quality food that contains the correct balance of all the essential nutrients they need to thrive. The food must be appropriate for their age and activity level. You can add supplements to your pet’s diet for optimum performance. For example, joint supplements containing glucosamine and chondroitin can aid in keeping joints healthy.

Contact us for advice on specific diets and the best supplements available (and if your pet would benefit from them).



Parasites can cause serious problems for our pets… and for the humans that interact with them! So, it’s vital to be aware of them and learn how you can keep your pet protected against these pesky parasites.

Individual animals can face varying degrees of risk from different parasites, underscoring the importance of discussing their risk with us. We can provide personalised advice on parasite prevention, tailored to your pet’s specific needs, considering factors such as species, age, lifestyle, and geographical location.


Numerous options are available for parasite prevention, including spot-on solutions applied to the back of your pet’s neck, tablets which are given orally, and impregnated collars. Opting for veterinary prescription medicines is advisable, rather than over-the-counter products. This is because they have been rigorously tested to ensure that they work effectively and that they are safe for your pet.

Additionally, several preventive measures can be taken to minimise your pet’s risk of parasite infestation, such as:

  • maintaining good hygiene practices (e.g., washing hands, disinfecting food bowls)
  • refraining from feeding uncooked meat or offal
  • consistently cleaning up after your dog.

Preventing parasite issues is far simpler than treating them, and the good news is, our 365 Care Plan has made this super easy!


Ticks are becoming more common in the UK and can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, which can affect dogs and cats, as well as humans. It is a very serious illness and be fatal in some cases.

You should always remove ticks if they are attached to your pet, but never pull them straight out, as this runs the risk of the head being left behind in your pet’s skin. Instead, you can remove them by gently twisting them until they release. You can buy special tick removers to assist you with this, or one of our vet nurses can safely remove them for you.

If your pet frequently visits areas where they are picking up ticks, then you need to consider preventive treatment for them.


Fleas are tiny wingless insects which feed on the bloods of animals, including pets and wildlife. They are one of the most irritating and itchy parasites for your pet and can live on dogs, cats They and even rabbits. While they can’t live on humans, their bites can cause itching and unsightly marks. Flea

As they reproduce very quickly, they can soon have produced hundreds of tiny eggs, which rapidly cause an infestation in the house. Eggs have remarkable resilience, surviving for months in the environment, leading to prolonged infestations that require considerable effort and expense to eradicate. Anyone who has had this problem knows how difficult this can be to clear!

Preventing these unwelcome intruders is significantly simpler than dealing with an established infestation.


Mites can infest the skin and ears of dogs, cats, rabbits, and other rodents, which can be very itchy and uncomfortable. Infestations can cause hair loss, scratching and red or dry and scurfy skin. There are many different types of mites, but they can easily be prevented with treatments from us.


Roundworms – these parasites are prevalent in both dogs and cats. Pets can contract them by sniffing or licking contaminated faeces from other animals, or by consuming infected carcasses. Roundworms are often transmitted to puppies and kittens from their mother before birth and can also be passed through the mother’s milk. Severe infestations can lead to stunted growth, vomiting, and diarrhoea, making it essential to regularly deworm pregnant females, puppies, and kittens.

Certain types of roundworms such as Toxocara canis can pose a serious risk to humans – it is known to cause symptoms such as blindness and seizures. Children are most at risk because they are more likely to play in areas where dogs have toileted and put their fingers in their mouths. Being a responsible pet owner means that you should regularly worm your dog and always pickup their faeces.

Tapeworm – transmitted when dogs and cats eat unprocessed raw food, offal, or other infected animal carcasses. Tapeworm can also be spread via fleas, with dogs and cats becoming infected when they ingest fleas while grooming or scratching. This is another very good reason to use a flea- prevention treatment!

Lungworm – dogs can contract lungworm by consuming infected slugs or snails, or their slime, which can lead to severe health issues like breathing problems, blood clotting disorders, and potentially fatal outcomes. This condition can be effectively prevented through regular administration of a monthly tablet or spot-on treatment. Additionally, minimizing the risk of exposure to infected creatures can be achieved by avoiding leaving toys or bowls outside overnight, as they may attract slugs or snails.



Finally, spring is in the air… and there’s no better feeling after a long, cold, dark, and very wet winter. While the warmer weather signals time for fun outdoor activities – alfresco dining, camping and open water swimming to name a few – it can bring with it a new set of hazards for our pets. From blooming flowers to searing heat, and even your favourite treats, read on to learn more about the common spring dangers that can affect our furry (and not so furry!) friends.


With spring comes Easter, and all the delicious treats we love to devour. Most people are aware that chocolate is harmful to dogs, but did you know that cats, rabbits, rats and guinea pigs are also at risk?

Chocolate contains high levels of caffeine and a compound called theobromine that causes gastrointestinal upset, tremors, and even seizures. Hot cross buns are also a surprising hazard as the raisins and sultanas are highly toxic. Make sure Easter treats are hidden away from curious creatures and call us if you suspect you pet has eaten anything they shouldn’t.

We all love having the opportunity to cook outside during the (few) warmer months, and it is so tempting to throw the dog a sausage while barbequing…but did you know that BBQ scraps are unsafe for your pets? Cooked bones, pork, ham, chicken skin, and meaty skewers are all delicious, but hazardous to our pets. Cooked bones can easily become lodged in the gut, leading to life-threatening obstruction and fatty meats can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, or pancreatitis.


Spring is the perfect time for getting busy in the garden, but many plants and chemicals can be dangerous for your pet. Toxic flowers include tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and crocuses. All parts of the plant are harmful when ingested – and the bulbs contain higher concentrations. Cats are also extremely sensitive to the Lilium family, and any ingestion can cause fatal kidney disease. It is best to leave lily flowers out of our home and garden if you have any feline friends.

Other common garden hazards include fertilisers and weed chemicals. Store these toxins securely, and if used in your garden, make sure they are dug deep into the soil, then block access to your pets, including rabbits and guinea pigs. Snail or slug pallets are also highly dangerous, and poisoning is common, especially in dogs – they can cause tremors and seizures and can be fatal to all species.


During spring, biting bugs start to breed! Ticks, fleas, and mites all party hard in the springtime and can cause bites and allergic reactions. Dogs, cats, rabbits, and guinea pigs should be treated with parasite prevention. Don’t forget your chickens too, as red mites can be nuisance at this time of year.

Increased fly activity can cause trouble for rabbits and other small furries that live outside. Flies can lay eggs in the warm wet areas around the tail, or open wounds, and maggots will emerge, leading to a nasty condition called flystrike. Keep your pet’s environment clean and dry, regularly remove any droppings and treat all wounds quickly.

As with all parasites, prevention is better than cure – and early measures should be taken to protect your furry friends from biting bugs.

Last, but certainly not least, comes snakes. Springtime signals the end of winter hibernation and as the ground warms up our scaly friends become active.

There are three types of snakes in the UK: grass snakes, smooth snakes, and adders. The adder is the only venomous species: grass snakes and smooth snakes aren’t venomous and don’t tend to bite.

Adders tend to keep themselves to themselves and don’t bite unless they are scared. Unfortunately, dogs tend to approach them without fear, startle them and get bitten! If your dog has bitten by an adder, their symptoms will depend on where the bite is, and where the venom spreads to. If the venom stays in the tissues around the bite, it will cause pain and swelling, but if it spreads further and gets into the bloodstream, it can cause much more serious problems such as damage to the liver, kidneys, heart, and nervous system.

If you suspect your pet has been bitten, seek immediate veterinary help.


Spring is an exciting time and with some careful planning it can be full of joy and adventure for the whole family. Prevention is always best and protecting your pet is easy with our 365 Care Plan.



Domestic cats (Felis catus) are small carnivorous members of the family Felidae — the only member of that family that has deigned to join humans in domesticated bliss!


For millennia, cats have coexisted with humans. They likely began frequenting human grain stores, attracted by mice and other vermin, and eventually spread around the world as sailors brought them aboard ships.


Today, cats still help humans control vermin and provide companionship. Over the past few centuries, humans have selectively bred cats to exhibit specific traits, such as hairlessness, resulting in the creation of stablishing dozens of cat breeds. With their charming mix of aloofness and goofiness, cats amuse and fascinate us in equal measure.


Many people dismiss a cat’s uncanny knowing as superstition or myth, but the ancient Egyptians revered cats as sacred animals, believing them to have magical powers. In those times, cats were treated with the utmost care and respect as representatives of the goddess Bastet.


Modern-day moggies seem to channel this god-like quality with ease, along with their reputed sixth sense. Anyone who lives with a cat has a tale to tell of telepathy, clairvoyance, or mystic encounters. There are many reported instances where cats have apparently predicted events before they happened, such as sensing when their owners are about to come home or anticipating a change in their routine.


Cats have been observed to drastically alter their behaviour prior to natural disasters such as lightning, volcanic activity, earthquakes, tsunamis, and landslides. Some cats have even alerted their owners to an impending epileptic seizure, hypoglycaemic attack, or pre-cancerous state.


A cat’s extraordinary senses can explain some of these seemingly psychic acts. They can pick up on subtle changes in body language and scent, detect changes in air pressure, see and hear beyond our limited range and react to stimuli we don’t even recognise. Their long, stiff hairs (or vibrissae) – located on either side of the nose, above the eyes, and on the chin -are super- sensitive helping them to navigate their surroundings and detect changes in their environment. But a lot of what they do is still wonderfully inexplicable.


When a cat stares fixedly into space and then suddenly pounces into action, has he seen a ghost or is he just messing with us?



Cats have eyes that are specifically adapted for hunting in low-light conditions, which is why they are often considered to be crepuscular animals (more active during twilight). Their pupils can dilate much larger than human pupils, allowing more light to enter the eye. They have a reflective layer at the back of their eyes called the tapetum lucidum, which amplifies available light, enhancing their ability to see in the dark.


Also, cats have a larger number of rod cells in their retina, which are responsible for detecting light and motion. This gives them incredible visual acuity and allows them to track the movement of prey with outstanding speed and accuracy.



A cat’s sense of smell is up to 14 times more powerful than our own, thanks to the presence of a specialised organ called the Jacobson’s organ (or vomeronasal organ). It is in the roof of the mouth and is responsible for detecting pheromones and other chemical signals that can’t be detected by a cat’s regular olfactory system.


When a cat detects these chemical signals, they will often display the Flehmen response – curling back their upper lip to draw the odour directly into the Jacobson’s organ for more detailed analysis. With such a finely- tuned nose, its no wonder cats can detect even the faintest whiff of their favourite food!



It’s not just cat’s vision that’s impressive – they also have a phenomenal sense of hearing. Their ears can swivel independently of each other to pinpoint the source of a sound with amazing accuracy. Their ears are so sensitive that they can hear a grasshopper rustling in the leaves from several metres away and can even hear the click of a butterfly’s wings!



Cats use their sense of touch in all sorts of ways, from grooming themselves and each other to communicating with other cats. Their paw pads are covered in tiny receptors called mechanoreceptors that help them feel texture, temperature, and pressure. This is important for gripping surfaces, detecting prey, and communicating with other cats through physical contact.



Arthritis is the bane of any golden oldie – whether human or animal – and especially for a former ninja. Cats have a flexible spine, allowing them to contort their bodies in ways impossible for other animals. Combined with powerful leg muscles, this makes them exceptionally agile climbers and acrobats with lightning- fast reflexes. They can jump several times their own height, run at speeds up to 48km/hr and change direction quickly and effortlessly.


Most cat lovers freely admit to being willing slaves to their pets, so perhaps their greatest talent is the way cats have managed to domesticate humans with their playful, affectionate, independent, and quirky personalities. Let’s take a moment to appreciate just how extraordinary these animals truly are!



This year marks Oakhill Vets 50th anniversary, and we couldn’t be more excited to celebrate this momentous milestone!

It’s been quite a journey since 1974 – what began as a one-vet practice founded by Barry Johnson, now employs 130+ people over three divisions and three sites. We are proud to have achieved this remarkable development and growth, all whilst remaining fiercely independent.

On this special occasion, we take a moment to reflect on our accomplishments and most importantly the positive impact we have made to our patients and clients’ lives. We have consistently pushed boundaries and delivered exceptional care, while upholding our core values.

“Oakhill Vets remains dedicated to delivering the very best veterinary care to the local community,” said Tony Barry, CEO. “As we move forward into the future, we are excited for the next phase of developments which will enable us to continue to be at the forefront of animal care. We will continue to invest in the future, both in terms of technology and people.

“Our success is a testament to the dedication, hard work, and talent exhibited by our incredible team. It is due to their commitment and passion that we have reached this significant milestone. We recognise the positive impact we can make to the profession through supporting ongoing professional development and working with local universities and colleges, offering work experience to the next generation of vets.”

We have chosen StreetVet as our charity of the year and money raised from events throughout the year will go towards helping them to deliver free, essential veterinary care and service to people experiencing homelessness in the UK.



Christmas is a time of overindulgence for us humans, but some of our favourite festive foods can be dangerous to our pets. It’s easy to get swept up in all the festive excitement and treat your pets to a bite of stuffing or a nibble of your mince pie – but resist those big puppy eyes at all costs!

Avoid an expensive emergency trip to the vet this Christmas by keeping your cats and dogs away from these dangerous foods.

  • Chocolate – it’s one of the most well-known no-no food for dogs, but did you know chocolate is just as dangerous for cats too?
  • Christmas pudding and mince pies – anything containing dried vine fruits including currants, sultanas and raisins needs to be avoided.
  • Leeks, onions, shallots and chives – most food belonging to the allium plant family is poisonous to cats and dogs.
  • Artificial sweeteners – xylitol is found in lots of things, including sweets, baked goods and peanut butter.
  • Bones – cooked bones are likely to splinter off and can lodge themselves in the oesophagus or cause tissue damage inside the mouth or throat. Cooked or raw bones can cause a blockage in the intestines, which can be fatal without surgery to remove.
  • Alcohol – all alcohol can be harmful to pets, so please keep out of reach.
  • Nuts – peanuts have been reported to have adverse effects in some pets and macadamia nuts are toxic to dogs.

If you think your pet has ingested any of the above, please contact us immediately.


The symptoms that your pet will display depends on what they have ingested, but common symptoms to watch out for include:
  • vomiting
  • diarrhoea
  • dehydration
  • hyperactivity
  • convulsions
  • high temperature and blood pressure
  • abnormal heart rhythm and tremors


The key to keeping pets safe over Christmas is prevention. But even after all precautions are put in place, Christmas can be a busy and chaotic time, with large quantities of food and presents left unattended.

Curious pets, particularly dogs, may investigate and eat gifts (including edible or inedible ones) left under the tree, food in the kitchen or chew on plants decorating the house.

It’s essential to know what to do if you suspect that your pet has been poisoned, or if generally unwell.

  • If your pet is showing any signs of poisoning, bring them to see us (or Vets Now Preston out of hours) immediately.
  • Do not try to make your pet vomit and never give them salt water (it can be lethal).
  • If you are unsure if a visit to your vet is necessary, call us or the Animal PoisonLine (01202 509 000, charges apply) for advice.



On 1st September our regulatory body, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) introduced new guidance on prescribing prescription-only medicines.

The new guidance requires that a physical examination of your pet must be performed every time any antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals and antiparasiticides are prescribed.

The guidance is an important step towards ensuring responsible antimicrobial use and reduces the veterinary impact on the wider issues of global antibiotic resistance and decline in insect populations.

How will this affect you?
Your pet will need to come in for an in-person consultation and examination every time:

  • That we need to prescribe antibiotics – whether in tablet form or in topicals (such as ear and eye preparations).
  • We/you decide to change from one flea/worm/tick product to another or have not been seen within the last 12 months.

We are unable to dispense the above medications based on urine/faecal testing alone.

For long term prescription medication that is not an antimicrobial/antiparasitic, our usual policy of requiring an examination every 3 months continues to apply.

The consultations will be charged at our usual fees.

You can read the full guidance from the RCVS on their website.


Those on our 365 Care Plan will continue to have their check-ups and flea/tick and worm treatment provided by the plan. Find out more about the benefits of joining our 365 Care Plan!



Last year, Oakhill Vets started our journey working towards ‘bronze’ accreditation with Investors in the Environment (iiE).

Investors in the Environment is a national sustainability accreditation that supports organisations to develop an ‘environmental management system’ that focuses on four key areas of sustainable development: Leadership and Governance, Climate Change, Nature and Natural Resources, and Pollution and Waste.

Being kind to the environment has always been a part of Oakhill’s ethos and working towards iiE accreditation has been a fantastic way to formalise our commitment to the environment. In working towards this accreditation, we wanted to challenge ourselves to make Oakhill’s operations as sympathetic as possible to people and the planet. It has given us the structure to hold ourselves accountable to reducing our carbon footprint and developing sustainable practices.

The accreditation has three levels – bronze, silver, and green. Achieving the bronze award is all about identifying resources that our company is going to measure and creating a base-line-year of data for these resources. As well as this, we needed to radicalise our environmental and sustainability policy, to include bolder aims, create a waste management plan, and produce a robust sustainability action plan, to set out a roadmap to achieving our sustainability goals.

Vet Lisa is the ‘Sustainability Lead’ at Oakhill, and she has been working hard, alongside the project’s sustainability champions, the wider staff team, and our directors, to complete all the necessary work to achieve this accreditation. After a busy period of reporting and planning, Oakhill had its ‘Sustainability Audit’ with the iiE team in October, and we’re very proud to announce that we achieved ‘bronze’ accreditation!

Next steps…

The next step is to begin working towards achieving ‘silver’ accreditation. This will build upon all the work we have done for the bronze accreditation and deepen our commitment to treating the planet with love, turning our sustainability goals into habits and practices. We are looking forward to the challenge!!



On 15 September the Prime Minister announced plans to ban American XL Bully dogs in the UK. We understand that this Government announcement is hugely concerning and upsetting for many, and we will support American XL Bullies and their owners as best we can over the coming months.

From 31 December 2023 it will be against the law to:

  • sell an XL Bully
  • abandon an XL Bully
  • give away an XL Bully
  • breed from an XL Bully
  • have an XL Bully in public without a lead and muzzle

From 1 February 2024 it will be a criminal offence to own an XL Bully in England and Wales unless you have a Certificate of Exemption for your dog.


The Government have released an official definition of an XL Bully dog to identify if your dog may be an XL Bully. This involves checking the dog’s physical characteristics such as its size and height.

Height is a necessary requirement so you should assess your dog’s height first, measuring from the ground to the withers (the top of the shoulders) and not higher. The minimum height is:

  • 20in (51 cm) at the withers for an adult male.
  • 19in (48cm) at the withers for an adult female.

If the minimum height is not met, then your dog is not considered an XL Bully and no further assessment is needed. If your dog meets the height requirement, you will need to work through the rest of the definition.

Read Official Definition


From 1 February 2024 it will be a criminal offence to own an XL Bully in England and Wales unless you have a Certificate of Exemption for your dog. You have until 31 January 2024 to apply for this exemption.

To keep an XL Bully dog you must ensure it is:

  • microchipped.
  • kept on a lead and muzzled at all times when in public.
  • kept in a secure place so it cannot escape.

You will also need to neuter your dog. If your dog is less than one year old on 31 January 2024, it must be neutered by 31 December 2024. If your dog is older than one year old on 31 January 2024, it must be neutered by 30 June 2024. We recommend that you arrange for your dog to be neutered as soon as possible to ensure that you meet these deadlines.

As the owner, you must also:

  • be over 16 years old.
  • take out insurance against your dog injuring other people.
  • be able to show the Certificate of Exemption when asked by a police officer or a council dog warden, either at the time or within 5 days.

If you own an American Bully XL type dog, we recommend you start preparing now, by making sure your dog is neutered, microchipped, and trained to wear a muzzle.


You can apply via the Government’s website, through their online portal or by downloading the form to apply by post. The deadline for online applications is 12 noon on 31 January 2024. If applying by post, your application must arrive before 15 January 2024.

Through the online form you can apply for up to three dogs in one go. If you have more than three dogs, you will need to repeat the process to apply for the remaining dogs. By post you can apply for up to 30 dogs at a time. For example, if you have five dogs, you can apply for three in one go, then apply again for the remaining two.

Before you apply for a Certificate of Exemption you must:

  • Pay the £92.40 application fee for each dog you want to apply for – you’ll need your 10-digit payment reference number.
  • Have third party public liability insurance for banned breeds of dogs – you’ll need to know the start date of your insurance.
  • Have your dog microchipped – you’ll need to provide their microchip number. To find their microchip number, check the dog’s vaccination record or ask us. (If your dog is less than 8 weeks old when you apply for a Certificate of Exemption, you’ll have until 31 March 2024 to give the microchip number.)

You’ll also need to provide evidence your dog has been neutered. For your Certificate of Exemption to remain valid, you and your vet must complete a VCN01 form and return to Defra by the dates below. You can download the form from the Government’s website.

  • If your dog is less than 1 year old on 31 January 2024, they must be neutered and the VCN01 form received by Defra by 31 December 2024.
  • If your dog is more than 1 year old on 31 January 2024, they must be neutered and the VCN01 form received by Defra by 30 June 2024.