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BBQ safety: top tips for pet owners

There’s nothing better than enjoying a barbecue with loved ones during the great British summer. But there are a lot of potential dangers for our much-loved pets that we need to be mindful of.

Every summer we see a rise in injuries and poisonings, particularly when the weather is warm and sunny. Swallowing kebab skewers, eating cooked bones, developing food poisoning, or sustaining burn injuries from stealing piping hot food from the BBQ are the most common. Pets can also sustain traumatic injuries such as getting their tails stuck in patio doors and breaking their legs.

Follow these simple tips to make sure your barbecue is fun for everyone – including our furry friends!

1. Remember party food is not for pets​

Is your dog a master of puppy dog eyes? Don’t give in, and make sure your guests know the rules too! Be aware which human foods are dangerous to your pets: alcohol, corn on the cob and bones are particularly dangerous BBQ hazards.

Food scraps can upset your pet’s stomach and undercooked or fatty foods can cause inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) which can be very serious, and sometimes even fatal. Try giving them a healthy chew to chomp on or a fun toy to play with instead. It will keep them occupied while you enjoy your food in peace.

2. Bin it…securely!

We all know how skilled our pets, particularly dogs, can be when it comes to sniffing out tasty leftovers. If you don’t keep a close eye on them, pets can easily get hold of something they shouldn’t. A big problem at barbecues is pets eating things like kebab skewers or the core from a corn on the cob. These can cause serious and potentially life-threatening problems, such as gut blockages and injuries for dogs and cats.

Make sure any leftovers and rubbish are thrown away in a lidded bin that your pet can’t raid. All those food smells will be super tempting for pets, so your bin needs to be secure!

3. Keep temptation out of reach

There’s likely to be several poisonous temptations at your barbecue; lighter fluid, alcoholic drinks, sugar-free treats and chocolate desserts to name a few. Remember how inquisitive pets can be and don’t underestimate how far they can reach when they want something! Keep anything harmful well out of harm’s way.

4. Too hot to handle!

Keep pets a safe distance away from the barbecue by establishing boundaries. Sizzling sausages can be hard for a dog to resist, but a stolen sausage off the BBQ grill is way too hot to handle. Plus, when swallowed whole they can cause stomach ulcers and dehydration.

Hot food, hot coals and ashes can all cause serious burns. Always make sure the BBQ is cooled down quickly once you’ve finished cooking and never leave pets on their own around it while it’s still hot.

5. Beware of smoke

Fumes can be very irritating for pets, especially as many of them have sensitive airways. Make sure your pets are far away from the BBQ and not downwind of any smoke. This is especially important for small pets and birds; you might need to move their enclosure or the BBQ so they are away from the smoke.

6. Keep them cool and hydrated

Barbecues are hot work – the open flame, the smoky and sizzling food, not to mention the heat of the summer’s day – and our furry friends can quickly overheat! Make sure they can head into the shade or indoors whenever they need to cool down. And if you hear there’s a heatwave coming, think about having your barbecue later in the evening so your pet won’t get too much excitement at the hottest part of the day.

In all the excitement, we often forget to keep ourselves hydrated and the same goes for our pets, who often can’t tell us they’re thirsty and in all their excitement, may not even realise it themselves. Always make sure that your pet has access to fresh, clean water, in a shaded area and encourage them to drink it at regular intervals.

7. Slap on the sun cream

Sun safety is just as important for our pets as it is for us. If you’re feeling the need to slather on the sun cream, it’s likely your pet will need some too especially if they have thin fur, white fur, or pink skin exposed such as the tips of the ears or on the end of the nose. Make sure you use a pet-safe sun cream – your vet will be able to recommend one for you if you’re not sure what to look for.

8. Set up a safe space

Get-togethers can be a busy time with visiting family and friends, so ahead of party time it’s worth making sure your garden is secure and pet safe. With all the distractions, you might not be able to watch your pet as closely, especially while you’re cooking food, entertaining guests or enjoying a well-earned feast. Check the fences and plants ahead of time so you can relax and know your pet is safe and having as much fun as you.

If you’re planning to spruce up your garden, make sure you know which plants are poisonous to your pet. For example, laburnum is poisonous to dogs, lilies are particularly poisonous to cats, and daffodils, rhododendron and yew are poisonous to both dogs and cats.

9. Give them room to take a break

Having a house full of strangers might be a bit stressful for your pet, so it may be worth making sure there’s an unoccupied room for them to relax in. But be careful they don’t get shut into a conservatory or greenhouse, as these can heat up very easily in summer and cause heat stroke which is often life-threatening.

Dogs are usually eager to please and might not want to take a rest even if they’re getting worked up or too hot. Look for warning signs that they’re getting over excited or finding the situation stressful and give them some time to themselves.

Pets who live in the garden, like some rabbits and guinea pigs, might be frightened by the noise of a big group of people. Try to home, cover part of their cage so they can hide away or move their enclosure into a quieter part of the garden.

10. Treat them too

It’s all well and good us saying, ‘Keep your pet away from this, that and the other,’ but this is easier said than done, right? The best way of distracting your pets is by using objects and treats that they’re familiar with. Why not scatter some treats around the garden to keep their minds and taste buds occupied?

This could be a thirst-quenching pet-safe snack, or a puzzle feeder filled with kibble. If you’re having lots of dogs at the barbecue, why not make a batch of dog-safe cakes to share in a few different sizes to suit all your pet’s furry friends?

Itchy Skin

As warmer weather approaches, a lot of animals may start becoming itchy. If this itching becomes excessive, skin infections and irritation can make your pet miserable. There are many possible reasons for the itch: parasites, bacterial infections and allergic skin disease are some of the main causes, and in some cases all of these may be seen together. 

Dogs and cats with allergic skin disease can be itchy all over, or the irritation can be localised to the feet, face, ears and stomach – or even just one of these areas. 

Allergic skin disease (or atopy) is particularly common at this time of year. The three most common types of allergies are: 

Flea allergic dermatitis (FAD): 

Some pets develop an allergic reaction to the fleas’ saliva. An itchy dog and its environment must be thoroughly treated for fleas before FAD can be ruled out. 

Environmental allergens: 

This is an allergic reaction to a substance (allergens) in the environment. These allergens can be seasonal (grass and tree pollens) or non-seasonal (house dust mites). The causative agents can be determined by either a blood test or intra dermal skin testing. This condition is more common in dogs compared to cats. It usually affects dogs initially between the ages of 1-3 years and the condition can last a lifetime. There appears to be an inherited predisposition with certain breeds such as Westies, Labradors, Shar Peis and Staffordshire Bull Terriers, although it can be seen in any breed. 

Food allergy or intolerance: 

This is the least common cause of allergic skin disease. Pets can be allergic to particular components of the food. A strict food trial (please speak to your vet for the appropriate diet recommendation) for a period of 4-6 weeks is needed followed by re-introduction of food components to confirm a diagnosis. 

The approach to investigating an itchy dog can be intensive and time consuming, but depending on the cause of your pet’s itchiness we have a wide variety of treatments available to control their symptoms and keep them comfortable and happy. Please ring to book a consultation at the surgery to discuss both investigation and treatment with one of our vets.

Pet Dental Health Month

As February was Pet Dental Health Month, we thought we would share some top tips for maintaining your pet’s healthy mouth

Although small, your pet’s teeth are a very important part of your pet’s overall health, and just like us, they can benefit from having good oral hygiene. It can be easy to forget about your pets’ pearly whites, but since February is Pet Dental Health Month, it’s the perfect time to look at the benefits of keeping on top of your pet’s dental care. 

Why is it Important for My Pet to Have Healthy Teeth?  

Good oral hygiene can help improve your pet’s overall well-being. Plaque can start to form on your pet’s teeth a couple of hours after eating. Over time, plaque can harden and turn to tartar, providing the perfect environment for bacterial growth which can lead to a variety of problems, including tooth decay. Once plaque hardens to tartar, it can only be removed via a dental procedure requiring a general anaesthetic.

Excess plaque and tartar can cause gum inflammation. Gum disease can affect the deep supportive structures of your pet’s teeth and is one of the most common disease pets suffer from today. Inflammation of the gums can also lead to infections within the mouth, these can be extremely painful for your dog often causing excessive drooling, pain when eating or playing with toys, and bad breath.

Checking your pet’s teeth daily can reduce the severity of these conditions and help bring any concerns to your vet’s attention quickly before they cause too many problems. 

How Often Should I Brush My Pet’s Teeth? 

We recommend that you brush your pet’s teeth 2-4 times a week, but brushing their teeth every day gives the best results. However, it is important to use the right equipment; a soft bristled brush is best, and ensure you use a special pet toothpaste (as the fluoride in human toothpaste can be toxic to pets).

If you pet is averse to you brushing their teeth, try letting them lick the toothpaste off your finger initially, then work up to running your finger over their teeth, before eventually swapping to a toothbrush.

Other ways to Maintain Healthy Teeth 

It can be useful to train your pet to have their teeth brushed at a young age, as some older pets don’t like people going near their mouths. However, there are lots of other ways to maintain healthy teeth and gums:

  • Dental chews: Some chews can work by reducing plaque accumulation on your pets’ teeth. However, these treats can be high in calories, so it’s important to reduce your dog’s food intake accordingly and use them sparingly.
  • Toys: Pet-safe toys can make cleaning pets teeth enjoyable. Toys carrying the VOHC seal of approval will help to maintain a healthy mouth.
  • Dental diets: Some pet foods are specially designed to keep your pet’s teeth clean by scraping away plaque as they eat. The vets at Oakhill are always happy to discuss the most reliable dental diets for your pet.

Dental Needs for Different Types of Animals

This blog focuses mainly on dental care for domestic cats and dogs. If you would like to find out more about how to look after the teeth of your rabbits, guinea pigs, horses or any other furry friends, please feel free to speak with a vet at your pets next visit.

When to keep dogs on leads

Should dogs be kept on leads all the time? 

Whilst it is not necessary to always keep your dogs (or other pets) on leads when out and about, it is wise to be aware of designated areas and pedestrian zones where leads may be required.

Another instance requiring lead control, especially important to Oakhill as we have a farm vet team, are areas where livestock are present – on farms, in the countryside or on a local ramble through the fields. An NSA (National Sheep Association) survey showed that there was a 67% increase of people witnessing an dog attack on sheep during COVID. (

As stated in the survey, ‘more than half of all respondents had experienced abuse or intimidation when personally asking dog owners to put their pet on a lead.’ 

Land managed or owned by farmers will have footpaths clearly signposted and most will also have signs showing where livestock may be free roaming. Being aware of these signs means we can both allow our pets to enjoy their walks and protect other animals.

Your Cat’s Dental Health

The ideal way to care for cat’s teeth is to brush them, this needs to be done with pet toothpaste as cats cannot have fluoride which is in human toothpaste. Cat toothpaste is normally meat or fish flavoured so is generally well tolerated, to brush cats’ teeth you can either use a small headed toothbrush or a finger toothbrush. Here is a quick step by step guide on how to do it:
  • Put a small amount of toothpaste on your finger and let your cat lick it to get used to the taste. If you cat doesn’t want to lick it off your finger, put a small amount on their nose and let them lick it off.
  • Before brushing your cats teeth get your cat used to being held and you opening their mouth, this can either be done on your own or with a little help.
  • Once your cat is used to you handling them around their head/mouth slowly and gently open you cats mouth, you can then slowy start to use the toothbrush, this should be done in small circular motions starting at the back of the mouth. This should be done for around 30-40 seconds.
  • Remember to praise your cat as you are doing this to help keep them relaxed.
If tooth brushing isn’t an option for your cat, there are other products that can help with dental care:
  • Food- you can buy specially designed to help reduce Tatar build up, these are dry food.
  • Chlorhexidine washes- these are mouth washes that can be put along the gum line, this helps with bacteria build which contributes to plaque.
  • Food supplements- these can be added to food/water which again helps with the reduction of Tatar build up.
  • Gels- These are again put along the gumline.

Understanding how your pet’s shape could indicate weight problems

The shape of your pet can indicate whether your pet is overweight, underweight or of an ideal weight. Many people will look at their cat and dog and think they’re healthy, but don’t realise that their weight or shape isn’t correct.

Understanding your pet’s shape and monitoring it over time will help you keep your pet’s weight in check. Sudden weight gain and weight loss can also indicate health problems, therefore if they’re not overeating and have no cause for the changes in weight, you’ll be able to pick up on this quickly and discuss it with your vet.

Checking your dog’s shape

The shape of your dog will indicate if they are over weight, the steps below can help you determine this.

  • You should be able to see and feel the outline of your dog’s ribs without excess fat covering.
  • You should be able to see and feel your dog’s waist and it should be clearly visible when viewed from above.
  • Your dog’s belly should be tucked up when viewed from the side.

If your dog does not pass these checks, or if you’re in any doubt please contact your practice. We will be able to provide a health check, advice and nutritional guidance to help your dog shift any extra weight.

oakhill weight

Checking your cat’s shape

The shape of your cat will indicate if they are over weight, the steps below can help you determine this.

  • You should be able to see and feel your cat’s ribs, spine and hipbones.
  • Your cat’s waist should be clearly visible when viewed from above.
  • Your cats belly shouldn’t be sagging underneath, there should only be a small amount of belly fat.

If your cat doesn’t pass these checks speak to your practice. We will be able to provide a health check, advice and nutritional guidance to help your cat shift any extra weight.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

Christmas dangers for cats


If you’d rather avoid an emergency trip to the vets this Christmas, beware of these Christmas dangers for cats:

Christmas dangers for dogs


If you’d rather avoid an emergency trip to the vets this Christmas, beware of these Christmas dangers for dogs:

Avian influenza (bird flu)

New housing measures to protect poultry and captive birds from avian influenza across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will come into force from 00:01 on Monday 29th November.

This means that it will be a legal requirement for all bird keepers to keep their birds indoors and to follow strict biosecurity measures in order to limit the spread and to eradicate the disease.

More information available at:





Microchips in Pets

In May 2021, under the Action Plan for Animal Welfare, it was announced that the government are considering enforcement of microchipping in pet cats. We’ve prepared answers to some frequently asked questions about microchips.

What is a microchip?

A microchip is a small computer chip, approximately the size of a grain of rice, that is placed under the pet’s skin, usually between their shoulder blades. The microchip contains a unique number that a vet, dog warden or rescue centre can use to search the national databases for the owner’s details. 

How is a microchip implanted? 

The vet, nurse or suitably qualified person will pinch the scruff (loose skin between the shoulder blades) and then use a specialised needle to implant the microchip under the skin. The procedure takes a couple of seconds, and although it can feel a little uncomfortable, most animals quickly forget about the experience and there is no long lasting pain or discomfort. It is important that we do not stroke around this area for around 24 hours, whilst the skin heals, to reduce the risk of dislodging the microchip.

How long do microchips work for? 

Microchips typically last for a pet’s lifetime. In rare cases, microchips can ‘fail’, and stop working. This is why vets routinely check the microchips of pets under our care; if a microchip fails we implant a new one, with no need to remove the defective chip.

Should I microchip my pet? 

Under current legislation, pet dogs over 8 weeks old must be microchipped, so by law all dog owners must ensure their pets are microchipped. This law doesn’t yet apply to cats, but, as mentioned above, this is likely to become a legal requirement in the near future. Importantly, microchips are the best way to ensure that if a pet becomes lost, we are able to contact you as soon as possible to renuite them with you. In cats, if the cat is involved in an accident away from home, being able to contact the owners as soon as possible is important to discuss treatment plans. In addition, sadly pet theft has increased in recent times, and there are many cases of stolen pets being reunited through their microchips.

My pet is already microchipped, do I need to do anything?

Over a pet’s lifetime, it is important to update the database with changes of address and phone numbers. To update the details, you can contact Pet Trac, one of the largest microchip databases ( If your pet’s microchip is not registered with this database, they will advise you which database to contact. 

As always, please get in touch if you have any questions.