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Petplan Awards – Vote for us!

Petplan Veterinary Awards – Vote for us!

The Petplan Veterinary Awards recognise the fantastic work that goes on in veterinary practices across the UK. Petplan has worked closely with the veterinary profession for over 40 years and hosts these independent industry awards to recognise the hard work and dedication of veterinary staff caring for our pets.

Does our practice or someone in the team deserve to win a Veterinary Award?

To nominate Oakhill or a member of our team, please visit


New Small Animal reception at Goosnargh

If you’ve visited our Goosnargh branch recently, you’ll have noticed a significant amount of building work happening.

Although the work is not quite complete, the latest developments include the addition of a new, dedicated small animal reception area which some of the team moved into this week, leaving the original reception area dedicated to large animal.

There are also two new small animal consultation rooms and a new dispensary!

Come & see us at the Great Eccleston Show – 14th & 15th July!

Come and see us at the Great Eccleston Show on 14th & 15th July!

The Great Eccleston Show is a two day event showcasing every aspect of rural endeavour and this year our Small Animal Team will be there!

Why not come along to the Oakhill marquee – we’ll have lots of fun activities going on and some fantastic prizes to be won!

There’ll also be some great competitions in the main ring at the show, including heavy horse classes and Holstein classes, some of which are sponsored by Oakhill Equine Vets and Oakhill Farm Vets respectively.

To buy tickets to the show visit:

Is your pet travel ready?

As holiday season begins it’s important to check that your pet is travel ready if you plan to take them abroad this summer.

If you wish to travel outside the UK with your pet, the legal requirements vary depending on the other country involved, so you’ll need to check the Defra website for full information

It’s also a good idea to check with your travel company to see if they:

  • will accept your pet for travel – and how many they’ll accept if you have more than one
  • need any proof that your pet is fit and healthy to travel, for example a letter from a vet or certain information in your pet passport

Remember to leave enough time to get all the necessary treatment and paper work in order before you travel. Pet passports are available from our surgeries to allow cats, dogs and ferrets to travel between listed countries without quarantine.

  • Book an appointment with your vet well in advance of travel to get started on the right medication at the right time
  • Check rabies vaccination and pet passport are up to date
  • Ensure microchip is working and reading correctly
  • Speak to your vet about preventive treatment needed to protect your dog against ticks, sandflies, heartworm and tapeworm
  • Talk to your vet if going somewhere hot to discuss prevention of heatstroke and how to recognise signs of the problem in your dog. 


    Please contact your Oakhill Veterinary Centre to make an appointment or for further information.


Overheating and heat stress can be a killer so here are some tips to help your dog have a happy and healthy summer.



  • Panting excessively
  • Drooling
  • Increase in heart rate
  • Reddened/purple gums
  • Vomiting and Diarrhoea
  • Seizures progressing to coma and even death.


As soon as possible move your pet to a cooler spot, keep them as quiet and calm as possible. Use wet cool towels to gradually lower the temperature and use a fan if possible. Contact your vet as soon as possible as serious complications may result.



  • Exercise your dog early morning/late evening to avoid the midday sun.
  • Ensure access to shade in the garden you could even supply a paddling pool!
  • Have fresh cool water available, put ice -cubes in the water if taking some out with you.
  • Be extra careful with either very young or old, overweight or longhaired animals. Some breeds are more likely to suffer including short-nosed breeds such as boxers and pugs etc.
  • NEVER leave your pet in a parked car even on overcast days the temperature can increase dramatically.
  • Clip longhaired breeds.
  • Use a fan in the rooms where you pet likes to settle.



Sweep – Ovarian Cysts

sweep illman ovarian cysts (1)

Sweep was presented to us for investigation of severe abdominal enlargement which was being caused by her large ovarian cysts.

Ovarian cysts are very common in middle-aged to older female guinea pigs and can cause problems such as pain, inappetence, interference with mobility and hair loss. Sweep did not have hair loss with her cysts and she continued to eat well, but they were so large that they were taking up a lot of space in her abdomen and causing her to have difficulty moving around.

Hormonal treatments had been tried for Sweep in the past with limited success and it was advised that she be spayed in order to definitively treat the condition and prevent recurrence. Spaying involves removal of both ovaries and the uterus under anaesthesia. Because Sweep’s cysts were very large, they had to be drained before the ovaries could be removed!

Sweep recovered very well following her operation and was soon back at home with her friends and her very dedicated owners, who report a significant improvement in her movement and activity. She was a perfect patient (especially when veggies were involved!) and it was a pleasure to look after her during her stay in the clinic and at her check-ups.

guinea pig preston vetsguinea pig surgery vetsguinea pig ovarian cystguinea pig surgeryguinea pig

Anti-freeze poisoning in pets

As the weather gets colder many of us will use anti-freeze in our car engines, but while it’s convenient for us, it’s also very dangerous to our pets.

While many people may think, ‘why would my cat or dog go near anti-freeze?’ well, Ethylene glycol- the main ingredient in most anti-freeze brands has an inviting aroma and sweet flavour. Its appealing smell and taste often tempts animal into tasting it.

Anti-freeze is found in car radiators and some screen washes, but it is extremely toxic to both dogs and cats. As our pets like drinking from ditches, puddles and ponds, it could mean they’re prone to drinking water contaminated with anti-freeze. Anti-freeze can also be found in some inks and snow globes.

The active ingredient of many anti-freezes, ethylene glycol, is rapidly absorbed into the body after drinking. Within hours it causes severe kidney damage, which is very difficult to treat. In one report involving 25 cat cases, 96% of those affected died.

Signs & Symptoms

Some common signs of antifreeze poisoning in dogs and cats include:

  • Drunken behaviour
  • Euphoria/Delirium
  • Wobbly, uncoordinated movement
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Excessive urination
  • Diarrhoea
  • Rapid heart beat
  • Depression
  • Weakness
  • Seizures/Convulsions/Shaking tremors
  • Fainting


If you suspect your pet has drunk some anti-freeze, it’s important you contact us ASAP. If your cat or dog is treated immediately after exposure it has a far greater chance of survival. However your pet will need intensive treatment. Tragically, the survival rate is very low if the kidneys have been damaged and poisoned pets often have to be put to sleep.


Anti-freeze is one of the most life-threatening poisonings that vets see, but there is a safer alternative. Propylene glycol anti-freeze is more expensive but safe for pets and other wildlife. All anti-freeze products should be labelled to show its contents, so please check these before purchasing and avoid products with Ethylene glycol.


Pet Blood Bank – Saturday 6th January

dog blood banks

Canine Donor Programme

Similar to the human blood service, dog owners kindly register their much loved canine companions to give blood at one of The Pet Blood Bank’s many sessions across the country.

After each session, the blood is taken to our processing centre in Loughborough where it is separated into red blood cells and plasma products, and then stored ready for despatch.

The Pet Blood Bank UK run an average of five sessions a week at veterinary practices and kennels, with over 8,000 lifesaving donors registered with the charity. Last year, we sent out over 5,000 units of blood and as transfusion medicine advances, the demand continues to grow.

Every unit of blood can help save four other lives, saving thousands of lives every year.

At Oakhill Veterinary Centre, we support the work the Pet Blood Bank does and we offer our veterinary centre at Goosnargh as a venue. Our next blood bank session will be on Saturday 6th January and we need more owners to bring in their dogs for this great cause.

To get involved, please register your dog using the Pet Blood Bank’s online form, then a member of their team will be in touch to confirm your details and discuss arranging your first appointment. After this, they will send out a Donor Information Pack which includes a Consent Form and a Donor Health Check Form. Please complete these and bring them with you to your appointment along with your dog’s vaccination record.

When you come along to a Pet Blood Bank UK (PBB) donation session, you will be greeted by the staff who are hosting the session. They work on an appointment system, much like your veterinary practice and be given an appointment time convenient to you beforehand.

Your appointment is split into two parts:  

  1. Health and suitability check with their fully qualified vet

They will go through the following process with your dog prior to any donation going ahead:

  • Undertake a physical examination of your dog and take its health history
  • Carefully clip and clean two small areas of your dog’s neck
  • Take a small blood sample and run some tests to ensure that your dog is fit to donate
  • Microchip your dog if it is not already microchipped
  1. Donation

If your dog passes the initial checks, you will be shown to the donation area where a fully qualified phlebotomist will collect about 450ml of your dog’s blood.

After donating, we’ll ask you to stay at the donation venue for a small amount of time to allow your lifesaver to have a drink, something to eat and to be observed by our team. Your dog will receive a goody bag which includes an “I’m a Lifesaver” bandana and tag to thank them. They will also get to pick out a toy to take home and we’ll take their picture for their Facebook and Twitter pages!

You are then ready to go home. They advise that dogs rest for the remainder of the day and can go back to their normal routine the following day.

In total, you should allow around 45 minutes for your appointment, although the actual donation process only takes between 5 and 10 minutes.

If you can’t find a donation session near you, please continue to register your dog as The Pet Blood Bank are hoping to hold sessions all over the UK. They need a minimum of 30-40 dogs to be registered for them to hold a session, so please tell your friends to consider registering their canine companion as well so we can hold a session in your area.

We would like to thank the Doggy Dream Team for providing us with the infographic.

Image creative license to DoggyDreamTeam ©