
Stay informed with our topical articles, all written by our equine vets.

Guttural pouch mycosis

Ralph recently presented due to the development of mild head shaking behaviour and an abnormal respiratory noise when ridden. He subsequently developed an orange coloured nasal discharge but was otherwise well.

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Double trouble

Sally was at stud to foal down and was noted to be going into the early stages of labour. However, it was soon apparent that she wasn’t progressing as expected – two legs had appeared but she was struggling and seemed exceptionally painful!

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A calcinosis circumscripta conundrum

Occasionally as a vet, there are cases that exercise our brains VERY hard! This was certainly the case with Zeus, a two year old gelding who was found severely lame on his left hind limb whilst out grazing.

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Iris cysts

Iris cysts are a common finding in the equine eye. More often than not, they do not cause any issues and are an incidental finding. Some; however, can grow to a size where they begin to affect a horse’s vision.

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Breeding season is in full swing and the team have been busy seeing lots of beautiful mares and foals. Planning on breeding your mare? Read on!

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Has your horse got itchy skin?

Horses with allergic skin disease can present with itchiness or hives or both itchiness and hives together. Sometimes it is easy to identify the trigger but more often than not, the cause is not easy to find.

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