
Stay informed with our topical articles, all written by our equine vets.

Liver Case Study

The liver has multiple responsibilities including nutrient and toxin absorption. It has a large ability to cope with insults however, clinical signs will become apparent when 60% of the liver is damaged.  Signs can include jaundice (a yellowing of the gums or white of eyes), weight loss and in severe cases neurological signs such as […]

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Pinworm (Oxyuris equi) infection is manifest by affected horses itching their peri-anal and tailhead regions. Adult worms reside in the large intestine with the female worm travelling down the small colon to lay eggs on the skin surrounding the anus (often indicated by a yellow discharge as seen in photo one below). This usually causes intense irritation manifest […]

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The Colic Examination Explained

Colic is the term used to describe abdominal pain. This is usually from the gastrointestinal tract but can be from any abdominal organ (e.g. the ovaries). Colic signs include curling of the top lip, pawing the ground, flank watching, rolling, increased recumbency (lying down) and change in the amount and/or consistency of droppings. Most cases […]

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Pemphigus foliaceous

There are many different causes of skin disease in horses and ponies, with the most common being associated with parasites and insects. However, occasionally immune mediated skin conditions can occur spontaneously or as a reaction to a drug or stressful situation. Below is a picture of a horse presented to us for excess scabs which […]

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Sun Burn

Summer time is hopefully a period that we are blessed with good weather and sunshine and while this is inevitably good for the soul, the sunshine and resulting UV, sadly can have negative implications for our equine patients namely in the form of sunburn and photosensitization.  The first, simple sunburn, occurs when light- coloured skin, […]

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Blood sampling

Did you know taking a blood sample from your horse can not only aid in the diagnosis of disease but can be performed for many other reasons? Once collected, samples are analysed either in our clinic or sent to a veterinary laboratory externally. Some tests are quick to run, while others can take several days […]

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