Stay informed with our topical articles, all written by our farm vets.Abortion rate from your flock
As the lambing season for most has finished and the focus no doubt moves to growing lambs it is worth just taking 5 minutes to think back to lambing and your flock abortion rate. Ideally you would want a target of below 2% of the flock either barren or had an abortion. Anything more than this could be due […]
Read MoreBlowfly strike treatment and prevention
Fly treatment These warmer days, combined with the inevitable rain, provide the perfect habitat for Lucilla sericata more commonly known as the blowfly. We now recognise the blowfly season as being longer with strike seen as early as February and as late as November, so it’s important that our fly prevention adapts to the changing climate too. 94% of farmers admit to […]
Read MoreFarm Vet Andy goes state side!
In January, I headed over to Indiana, Indianapolis as part of a trip organised by Elanco to visit some dairy farms in the surrounding area. 6 vets and 6 farmers from across the UK attended, visiting 7 dairy farms followed by a day of lectures at Elanco HQ covering dairy economics and the American dairy […]
Read MoreBVD Virus – Infectious/ Parasitic Diseases
BVD (Bovine Viral Diarrhoea) is a complicated virus that costs the UK cattle industries an estimated £50-75m per year. Check out our fact sheet below, or you can click here to download it.
Read MoreGood fertility management
Good fertility management is a key component of successful dairy herd management. Improving herd fertility allows you to sell more milk per year and also reduces the number of cows being involuntarily culled for fertility problems. The associated costs of poor fertility are highly significant and include: £3 per cow per day for every day […]
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